
조재희 교수

연구실     GA 213
TEL         02-705-7875
담당과목(학부) : 커뮤니케이션학 입문, 인간커뮤니케이션
담당과목(대학원) : 디지털미디어 특별주제 연구

  연구 분야 

디지털미디어, 정보통신기술론

  주요 연구 성과 

* international journals

Cho, J.(Forthcoming). International students' proactive behaviors in the United States: Investigation of the effects of information-seeking behaviors on communication satisfaction and school life satisfaction. Journal of College Student Development. 

Cho, J.(2015). Roles of smartphone app use in improving social capital and reducing social isolation. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, & Social Networking.

Yu, H., Si, J., & Cho, J.(2015). Effects of emotional exemplars in responsibility attribution-framed news reports on perception and evaluations of social issues. Asian Journal of Communication. 

Cho, J., H. E., Lee, & Quinlan, M. (2015). Complementary relationships between traditional media and health apps among American college students. Journal of American College Health. 

Cho, J., H. E., Lee, Kim, S. J., & Park, D. (2015). Effects of body image on college students' attitudes' toward diet/fitness apps on smartphones. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, & Social Networking. 

Cho, J., & Yu, H. (2015). Roles of university support for international students in the United States: Analysis of a systematic model of university identification, university support, and psychological well-being. Journal of Studies in International Education. 

Cho, J.(2014). Will social media use reduce relative deprivation?: Systematic analysis of social capital's mediating effects of connecting social media use with relative deprivation.International Journal of Communication. 

Cho, J. (2014). Impacts of information-providers' perceived cultural backgrounds on information-seeking behaviors: Investigation of American employees' information-seeking behaviors in a Korean multinational corporation in the US. International Journal of Intercultural Relations.

Cho, J., Quinlan, M., Park, D., G. Noh (2014). Determinants of adoption of smartphone health app among college students. American Journal of Health Behavior. 

Cho, J., Park, D., & Lee, H. (2014). Cognitive factors of using health apps: Systematic analysis of relationships among health consciousness, health information orientation, eHealth literacy, and health app use efficacy. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 

Cho, J., Park, D. J., & Ordonez, Z. (2013) Communication-oriented person-organization fit as a key factor of job-seeking behaviors: Millennials' social media use & attitudes toward organizational social media policies. Cyber psychology, Behaviors, and Social Networking. 

Cho, J. (2013). Multilevel factors' significant roles on employees' feedback-seeking behaviors: Cross-level effects of team task interdependence. Communication Research Report. 

* 한국 저널

오이쥔, 조재희. (2017). 넷플릭스(Netflix) 이용자의 지속적 이용의도의 결정 요인에 관한 연구. 한국언론학보, 61(5), 341-375. 

정동훈, 문신일, 조재희. (2016). 커뮤니케이션학에 있어서의 융 · 복합 커리큘럼에 대한 명암. 사이버커뮤니케이션학보, 33(4), 39-75.

조재희. (2014). 스마트폰 어플리케이션과 기존매체 사이의 '대체' 혹은 '보완' 관계: 성별과 세대차이를 중심으로. 한국언론학보. 

조재희. (2014). 건강관련 앱의 지속적 이용에 대한 인지적·사회적 요인: 사회적 영향을 포함한 확장된 기술수용 모델 (TAM II)을 중심으로. 홍보학 연구. 

  경력 사항

중앙대 미디어커뮤니케이션학부 교수
미국 노스캐롤라이나 주립대학교 (UNC-Charlotte), Assistant Professor
미국 텍사스 주립대학교 (UT-Austin), Research Associate