
김정현 교수

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담당과목(학부) : 미디어커뮤니케이션조사론, 미디어,인간,사회 
담당과목(대학원) : 커뮤니케이션연구방법론, 뉴미디어와 인간사회

  연구 분야 

뉴미디어의 사회/심리적 효과, 심리적 웰빙(Well-being), 온라인상에서의 상호작용 및 정체성


Kim, J-H. (In Press). Getting even lonelier? : Psychological well-being in the over-connected society. In Bowker, J., Coplan, R., & Nelson, L. (Eds.), Handbook of solitude: Psychological perspectives on social isolation, social withdrawal, and being alone. Wiley Blackwell: Oxford.

Kim, J-H. (2018). Social media and well-being. In J. Maddux (Ed.), Subjective well-being and life satisfaction (pp. 253-271). Routledge: New York and London. 

LaRose, R., Kim, J-H.& Peng, W. (2010). Social networking: Addictive, compulsive, problematic, or just another media habit? In Z. Papacharissi (Ed.), The networked self: Identity, community and culture on social network sites (pp. 59-81). Routledge: New York.

Bauer, J. M., Kim, J-H., & Wildman, S. S. (2003). Broadband deployment: Toward a more fully integrated policy perspective. In A. L. Shampine (Ed.), Down to the wire: Studies in the diffusion and regulation of telecommunications technologies (pp. 195-215). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.


  주요 연구 성과 

연구 논문 Impact & Citation

ResearchGate Personal (개인업적)  ResearchGate Sogang University (서강대 전체 통계)  Google Scholar 


*표시는 SSCI 논문

Jones-Jang, S. M., Heo, Y., McKeever, R., Kim, J-H., Moscowitz, L., & Moscowitz, D. (2020). Good news! Communication findings may be underestimated: Comparing effect sizes with self-reported and logged smartphone data. *Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication.(Ranked 3/92 in Communication; Impact Factor 5.366; 3/87 in Information Science & Library Science; 5-year Impact Factor 6.273).

Kim, J-H. (2019). Longitudinal Associations among Psychological Issues and Problematic Use of Smartphone: A Two-Wave Cross-Lagged Study. *Journal of Media Psychology-Theories, Methods and Applications, 31(3), 117-127. (Impact Factor 1.514)

Kim, J-H. (2018). Psychological issues and problematic use of smartphone: ADHD's moderating role in the associations among loneliness, need for social assurance, need for immediate connection, and problematic use of smartphone. *Computers in Human Behavior, 80, 390-398. (Impact Factor 4.306; 5-year Impact Factor 4.964)

Kim, J-H., & Kim, J. (2017). The Dynamics of Polarization and Compromise in Conflict Situations: The Interaction between Cultural Traits and Majority-Minority Influence. *Communication Monographs, 84(1), 128-141. (2015 Highest 5-year Impact Factor 4.254 in Communication; 2018 Impact Factor 2.365).

Kim, J-H. (2017). Smartphone-Mediated Communication vs. Face-to-Face Interaction: Two Routes to Social Support and Problematic Use of Smartphone. *Computers in Human Behavior, 67, 282-291.

Kim, J-H., Kim, J., & Park, H-S. (2016). Model comparison in group decision-making: Effects of the visual cue conditions on social identification and compensatory behavior processes. *Communication Research, 43(2), 159-179. (Ranked 11/88 in Communication; Impact Factor 3.087; 5 year Impact Factor 4.144)

Seo, M., Kim, J-H., & David, P. (2015). Always Connected or Always Distracted? ADHD Symptoms and Social Assurance Explain Problematic Mobile Phone Use and Multicommunicating. *Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 20(6), 667-681.

David, P., Kim, J-H. (Corresponding author), Brickman, J., Ran, W., Curtis, C. (2015). Mobile phone distraction while studying. *New Media & Society, 17(10), 1661-1679. (Ranked 2/88 in Communication; Impact Factor 4.800; 5-year Impact Factor 5.267)

Kim, J-H., Seo, M., & David, P. (2015). Alleviating depression only to become problematic mobile phone users: Can face-to-face communication be the antidote? *Computers in Human Behavior, 51, 440-447.
Kim, J., Kim, J-H, & Seo, M. (2014). Toward a personⅹsituation model of selective exposure: Repressors, sensitizers, and choice of online news on financial crisis. *Journal of Media Psychology- Theories, Methods and Applications, 26(2), 59-69.

McCarroll, M. L., Armbruster, S. D., Chung, J., Kim, J-H., McKenzie, A., & Gruenigen, V. (2014). Health care and social media platforms in hospitals. *Health Communication, 29(9), 947-952. (Impact Factor 1.846)

David, P., Xu, L., Srivastava, J., & Kim, J-H (Corresponding author) (2013). Media multitasking between two conversational tasks. *Computers in Human Behavior, 29(2), 1657-1663.

한국저널 (*KCI)

조혜진 & 김정현 (교신저자). (2020). Differences in the path model connecting perceived amount of responsibility, anger, and discrimination toward schizophrenia between Americans and Koreans applying attribution theory. *대한보건연구, 46권 2호, 107-118. (Korean Public Health Research, 46(2), 107-118).

조혜진, 김정현(교신저자) & 백혜진. (2018). 알코올 사용 장애의 책임 판단이 편견과 차별에 미치는 영향. *한국언론학보, 62권 3호, 130-163.

조혜진 & 김정현 (교신저자) (2017). SNS를 통한 인상형성 : 후광효과, 이누엔도 효과의 비교 및 따뜻함과 유능함의 검증 가치를 중심으로. *사이버커뮤니케이션학보, 34권 3호, 181-233.

백혜진, 조혜진 & 김정현 (교신저자) (2017). 정신질환의 낙인과 귀인에 대한 언론 보도 분석. *한국언론학보, 61권 4호, 7-43.

류민진, 진은영 & 김정현 (교신저자) (2017). 공감적 감정을 표현하는 컴퓨터 에이전트를 통한 사회적 지지의 획득. *한국언론학보, 62권 2호, 95-123.

이서윤 & 김정현 (교신저자) (2016). 모바일 기반 대인간 커뮤니케이션에서 피로감을 느끼는 요인에 대한 연구: 카카오톡을 중심으로. *사이버커뮤니케이션학보, 33권 4호, 183-231.

안서연 & 김정현 (교신저자) (2016). 셀프카메라 행위가 20대 여성들의 외모 존중감, 자기노출욕구, 외모개선 욕구 및 사회적 자기 효능감에 미치는 영향: 프로테우스 효과를 증심으로. *사이버커뮤니케이션학보, 33권 2호, 87-123.

Kim, J-H. (2015). The path to smartphone addiction: Is the depressed more vulnerable to the problematic smartphone use? 언론문화연구, 21, 90-109 (Korean Journal).


주요 연구 업적

2018-2019 만선질환에 맞서는 공동운명체: 환자와 배우자의 병 인식과 공동대처 방식 (재단법인 한국연구재단)

2017-2018 정신질환에 대한 부정적 편견 및 차별 감소: 귀인이론을 이용한 이론적 모델 (재단법인 한국연구재단) 

2015-2016 의사 결정 과정에서의 문화적 차이에 따른 중개 및 매개 변인 분석 (재단법인 한국연구재단)

2014-2015 스마트폰 중독 이론모델의 다중그룹 분석:스마트폰 중독자와 비중독자 비교 (재단법인 한국연구재단)

  경력 사항

2020-현재 Applied/Public Policy Research Award Committee member of International Communication Association (ICA)
2018-현재 서강대학교 학생생활상담연구소 운영위원
2018-현재 Telematics & Informatics (SSCI) Associate Editor
2018-2020 한국헬스커뮤니케이션학회 <헬스커뮤니케이션연구> 편집장
2018-2020 한국방송학회 미디어심리연구회 총무
2016-2020 연세대 사회과학연구소 <사회과학논집> 편집위원
2016-2018 한국헬스커뮤니케이션학회 정신건강연구회장
2015-2018 International Liaison of Communication and Technology division of the International Communication Association (ICA)
2012-2013 Washington State University, The Edward R. Murrow College of Communication 조교수
2006-2012 Kent State University 조교수